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Those Melway burgers are cool. Love the concept, love the partnership with the farm. Be curious to see what you find out re: the mix. A grass-fed cow is going to be leaner in general, but they still do have fat so they can mix the ground to whatever ratio they want (negating the overall leaner beef). The grass-fed cow I just bought is mixed to a 80/20 ground and is absolutely decadent. Be really cool though if they mixed in suet (tallow) fat to their grind... not sure I've ever seen that done (or at least marketed).

How are the buns? Sourdough? Regenerative grains? How about the fries? Fried in tallow from the same cows? Sorry, I know I'm getting way into the weeds here, but this is so far up my alley, it hurts. I know @Myles Snider and Rocky from @WarKitchen have written about this idea too!

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